Our Process
From our perspective, the first thing you experience with most investment firms is the representative giving you a questionnaire in an attempt to learn what type of investor you are – 45 year old moderate investor, 65 year old conservative, 30 year old aggressive. Using only that, they propose a pie chart, and that’s the end of what they offer you. In our view, that’s only the very start of the process. You are unique, with unique goals, desires, and issues that you care about. Why would we recommend an investment mix based on “Well most 55 year old people do this,” when you deserve a customized approach based on your financial plan?
At Wagner Wealth Management, our conversation isn’t focused on trying to decide what type of box you fit into for investments. It’s focused on you, your family, your goals, and developing your plan. We don’t make investment recommendations until we’re worked with you to build a defined, long-term financial plan, attempting to answer the questions “What are my goals?” and “How do we achieve them?” Once we have a plan, we recommend investment strategies that fit both within your risk tolerance, and fit within your financial plan.
In the making of your plan, we put the focus squarely on YOU. How much income per month do YOU want in retirement? At what age do YOU want to enter retirement? What does your retirement even look like? Everyone has different answers. Some people view retirement as the ending of their working years. Other people look at retirement as the point we like to call “Work Optional,” where they can quit their career, and instead work in something they find fun – regardless of if it pays well. Some people view it as a little of both. Yet even others dedicate themselves to charitable and philanthropic endeavors. Whatever your vision for retirement is, our process is focused on making it a reality.
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